Saturday 3 October 2009

What makes a good C/n?

I have worked for many charge nurses ( and I include sisters in this title, but feel free to argue) over the years, some have left good impressions,some horrendous, and some are just vague recollections.

For me, the best have always been those that seem very relaxed about life, and never appear under pressure. They sit, watch and listen a lot, but never seem to do much. In my eyes, this breed are becoming harder and harder to find in the nhs as the pressure from 'managers' drives them to become more task orientated.

Tasks, as in produce reports, audits, attend management meetings, personnel hearings, financial returns, etc etc etc, not 'tasks' as in spend time with the staff on the ward, or heaven forbid, spend time with the patients and their carers/relatives.

I worry about student nurses sometimes (not often). The charge nurses they mostly see now are really what were always 'managers'. Charge nurses are more likely to be judged as being good, or at least competent, if their ward or department is financially viable, as opposed to what experience they can give the patients, visitors, staff etc.

Blimey, I am sounding like an old fogey, hankering after days of yore. Bollocks to that.

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